Friday, September 6, 2019


- After David Cameron resigned from MP on 24th June 2016 after a vote in a referendum to leave the EU , Theresa May followed as MP and continued as MP until 7th June
- The last General Election was 8th June 2017 between Theresa May and Boris Johnson with the Conservative Party winning the election.
- Corbyn decided to follow the path in the Labour Party after Ed Miliband resigned after their defeat in the 2015 general election. After becoming leader of the Labour Party, he delivered many conferences and speeches to argue his opinions that he believed lacked in his local newspaper, the Islington Tribune.

- 9 April 2005: Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles at Windsor Guildhall
  29 April 2011: Prince William and Catherine Middleton at Westminster Abbey
  19 May 2018: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle at Windsor Castle
  12 October 2018: Princess Eugenie and Jack Brooksbank at Windsor Castle
- Queen's 90th: The Queen visited the Royal Mail Windsor Delivery office to mark the 500th anniversary of the postal service. She took a walkabout of 6.3km in Windsor with the Duke of Edinburgh. ITV aired a celebration.
- Babies:
Terrorism and Hatred
On 28th March 2017, hundred of people gathered on Westminster Bridge to pay respects to 4 people who were killed in a terror attack in central London. 
On 19th June 2017, Police in Manchester and London registered surges in Anti Muslim hate crime in the aftermaths of the Manchester Arena bombing and London bridge attack.

Syrian War
The Syrian Civil War has been going on since 15 March 2011 and is still going on. The conflict is regarded towards the Ba'ath government and forces who want the government gone. Many presidents and British MPs have discussed the issue with the war and ways to prevent the many deaths and refugees that have increased since the war began so long ago. 

Specific UK Issues
- Brexit was first talked about and voted for through a referendum on 23rd June 2016 where 51.9% of citizens voted to leave. On Friday 24th May 2019, Theresa May resigned from being MP after being MP for nearly 3 years. When she entered 10 Downing Street, she made 2 main goals clear; to hell more 'ordinary working-class families' in general life and to deliver Brexit that British people voted for. 
- Grenfell Tower: in the early hours of the morning on 14 June 2017, a fire broke out in the kitchen of a 4th floor flat at the 23 storey tower block in West London. the fire quickly spread across the entire tower where 72 people lost their lives. One reason the tower fire spread so quick is that the building is partly made out of flammable materials, including a polymer foam. 
- Windrush: This Scandal is a political scandal concerning people who were wrongly detained, denied legal rights, threatened with deportation. 
- NHS: During 2016, many junior doctors forced strikes throughout London where thousands of appointments were forced to be cancelled due to the 'significant' impact on the healthcare provision, according to the junior doctors.
- Charlie Gard: Charlie Gard is an infant from London, born with MDDS (a rare genetic disorder). This became a huge story after how the only medical cure for this was to fly to USA to have surgery, as they said they can perform the surgery, which Charlie's family was happy to do, but NHS said they shouldn't take him on a plane due to health reasons.

Cultural Trends
- Films: More recent films have been lacking originality due to many methods of film production already have being done, so creating a new formula is harder to do. Currently, remakes are a popular way of making a new film such as Lion King
- TV: Similar to films, TV series' are lacking originality due to the massive growth in production. So many series' are simply using the same formulas to previous seasons to re-create a new season with a cheap price to air.
- Music: Music genres are slowly being limited to 80's and 00's pop due to this being the majority of what people listen to. This is where many artists make their money, reasoning why the genre is most popular
- Video Games: With the increase in technologies within the recents years, the interest in video games has gained due to new game opportunities being allowed. 
- Youtube: Youtube has slowly increased its viewership where daily viewers, uploads and amount of content has all increased, being free to post, watch and enjoy.