Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Jenkins and Bundura

Henry Jenkins - Fandom/Audience Participation

- Believes that fans play a key role in the media
- textual poaching, audiences taking a media product and remaking or reworking it to create their own meaning
- fans can be the distributors, when someone shares something, the original media expands
- Citizen Journalism, ordinary people create the news eg Arianda Grande Manchester bombing or Grenfell, where news companies aren't the one to share the news.

- Shows audiences role in distributing the news - eg sharing an article on twitter/facebook/instagram/snapchat
- Create a community of fans of the newspaper - regular readers, regular contributors. show fandom through buying the paper -> circulation, profit
- citizen journalism is alive and well - youtube, social media enables people to make media (carry on to not useful)

Not Useful:
- fandom of news doesn't stand out from any other fandom - less so even, as the ability to create and textually poach is much less
- fandom is very much youth driven - so it excludes a whole demographic and is therefore less useful in understanding news
- However, still big corporations who have this monopoly

Bandura - Media Effects

- Hypodermic syringe model
- immediate reaction, where if you see an advert for something for example, then you instantly want that product