Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Daily Mail Front Page - Evaluation

   My Newspaper                                                                Inspiration

We were asked to make a Daily Mail newspaper front cover using various headlines told by Mr Bowers, where he stated many different stories that we could include into our front cover including Ladybirds with STD's and Salmonella poisoning. In the video, there was also a story about child obesity and how it effects their IQ and health, which was told by a Professor and also a witness. We were told that whilst also having these shocking articles within our covers, we had to add many Christmas touches to make it more festive.

In decided to make my newspaper front cover in Publisher because it is easy to move objects around and also to adapt various parts of the document.

I used many different tools within my newspaper. One of these was the site: This was the font I used for the Headline as it is most similar to the actual font the Daily Mail use. 

The biggest obstacle I had to face was making all of my text and headline fit the page where there was no excess space and all text was in proportion to one another. This took me a while to overcome as there was always a problem with something, but after a while, all text went to proportion and it looks professional.

I chose my fonts because I wanted my newspaper to look as realistic as possible. I also used the format of the celebrity gossip on the right where the photo can correlate to the shocking article on the left.

My initial feedback was to fix my headline to make it all the same proportion. Others told me that the photo I used for my celebrity gossip could be cropped down and expanded in order to see the photo well enough.

I think that my Christmas market advertisement went well because it shows that the Christmas market is going to be huge and successful. It also give's the 'festive feeling' to all readers due to the pictures and text. Next time, i would add more about the effects of child obesity as it didn't expand on the topic enough.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Royal News Presentation

News Presentations

EU Referendum

- Encouraged By David Cameron
- 17.4 Million people voted to leave EU
- Result announced on 23rd June 2016
- 51.9% voted to leave compared to the 48.1% of the public who voted to remain
- Cameron decided to vote as he thought we wanted to remain


- Touries are for private health care
- Patients are being urged to use private health care
- Been recent pressure on waiting times
- Cunsultant led, non-emergency - 18 weeks waiting list
- Between 2007-2009, 4.2 million down to 2.3 million back up to 4 million
- Junior doctors had to work an extra 30 hours

Windrush Generation

- Refers to immigrants invited to the UK
- They got kicked out/

Charlie Gard

- Born 4 August 2006 with a rare condition to do with his DNA
- Parents wanted therapy with him even though this therapy has never worked before.
- Only 1 hospital in America would accept to do the therapy but the British government woldn't let him travel.
- Trump and the Pope tweeted how they disagreed
- He died at 28 July 2017, aged 11 months

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Online Media

 - Can be accessed from any device providing you have a connection to the internet
- More news can be given through online news
- Doesn’t cost you anything unless you subscribe to them
- More quick, regular, updated news
- Never out of news to read

- Still bias
- Fewer jobs if the news is more online now
- News reports overwrite old ones, so you have to screenshot or save old news if you want to keep   them
- The website can easily crash
- After a crash, the site can take time to reload back up
- Any technical issues can occur