Wednesday, December 5, 2018

News Presentations

EU Referendum

- Encouraged By David Cameron
- 17.4 Million people voted to leave EU
- Result announced on 23rd June 2016
- 51.9% voted to leave compared to the 48.1% of the public who voted to remain
- Cameron decided to vote as he thought we wanted to remain


- Touries are for private health care
- Patients are being urged to use private health care
- Been recent pressure on waiting times
- Cunsultant led, non-emergency - 18 weeks waiting list
- Between 2007-2009, 4.2 million down to 2.3 million back up to 4 million
- Junior doctors had to work an extra 30 hours

Windrush Generation

- Refers to immigrants invited to the UK
- They got kicked out/

Charlie Gard

- Born 4 August 2006 with a rare condition to do with his DNA
- Parents wanted therapy with him even though this therapy has never worked before.
- Only 1 hospital in America would accept to do the therapy but the British government woldn't let him travel.
- Trump and the Pope tweeted how they disagreed
- He died at 28 July 2017, aged 11 months

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