Friday, September 28, 2018

Boyz N the Hood

Setting - Set in 1984, in an american town in south central Los Angeles, known to be quite rough despite LA stereo typically a nice, richer area.
Themes - The main themes presented in the first 5 minutes of the film are horror and violence. This is shown by the police tape and blood around it seen when the group of young friends are visiting the crime scene.
Icons - The main props are the school bags that the children are carrying when at school to show to the audience that they're school kids going to/from school. One other prop that is also used is the teacher's cane. The cane can represent how violent the town is compared to other parts of LA.
Narrative - The plot for the first 5 minutes is that there has been a shooting in a rough part of south central LA and a group of kids discover the area. They then continue to attend school for the day, with the characters' personalities unraveling.
Characters - The main character is Tre Styles who is an cocky, intelligent child with a short temper which carries him down. The other main child is Bobby who is Tre's friend but ends up having a fight with Tre after being told he is from Africa. The final main character is the teacher who is impressed with Tre's intelligence but is concerned about his short temper.

Textual Analysis:

Style of Camera - the first shot is a sign of a 'STOP' sign being zoomed into, inferring that something bad has happened. There are other shots where the camera 'crabs' across the road, following the children.

Editing: The are many fades into other scenes combined with sad music to portray to sad event that had previously happened. This is shown best when the scene in the class begins and there is a slow fade into the scene, joint with sad music. Tre gets the most screen time as he is the main character. The film is all in order with the shooting, off screen, followed by the children walking to school and discovering the crime scene.

Sound - Columbia Pictures, the media industry that made Boyz N the Hood, decided to use low-key lighting to create a dramatic feeling. At the beginning. when the screen is black, there is the dialogue from the shooters and then the shooting, combined with sad music to make it dramatic. Off screen, there are planes, the teacher attempting to calm down Tre and Bobby, dogs barking and then the shooting itself.


C - The costumes that the children wear are typical American clothing such as a sweatshirt and black cargo trousers for Tre, light pink denim jacket for the girls in the group with blue jeans.
L - Lighting is quite neutral because it is the morning so it is quite dark, which also links to the deaths that have happened overnight.
A - The main actors are younger children in south central LA, mixed gender.
M - There is no makeup used as they're children who have been brought up in a rough area of LA
P - Main props that are used are the school bags that the children own, the cane that the teacher has.
S - The setting is the beginning of they, shown by the quote 'did you hear the shooting last night?' and also the children walking to school. It is during spring/summer shown by the blue sky but not hot enough as they're wearing sweatshirts.

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