Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Ghost Ship

Setting - During the first 5 minutes of the film, the setting is in the main dance hall of a cruise ship. It seems to be a wedding reception where everyone is dancing and cheerful.
Theme - The main theme is horror, however, this is questioned at the start as it begins with cheerful, happy music which soon transitions to built up, tense music; contrapuntal.
Icons - The main icons/props used in the opening scene are the microphone which the film starts with, the many flowers around the hall and the metal cable that kills everyone.
Characters - The main characters in the opening scene are the singer at the beginning, the little girl who starts dancing with the old man, and the other couples/families who are dancing in the hall.
Technical Analysis - The tension builds as does the sound when the metal cable is first shown. Beforehand, the music is chirpy and happy.

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