Wednesday, October 3, 2018


Demographic Profiling:

-A (Higher Management)
-B (Middle Management)
-C1 (Office Supervisors)
-C2 (Skilled Manual Workers)
-D (Semi-Skilled and Unskilled Manual Worker)
-E (Unemployed, Student, Pensioners or Casual Worker)

Psychographic Profiling:

-Mainstreamers (Seek security, tend to be domestic)
-Aspires (seek status, typically younger people who want to be higher up)
-Succeeders (seek control, strong goals, confidence)
-Resigned (seek survival, typically older people)
-Explorer (seek discovery, energy, values difference and adventure)
-Strugglers (seek escape, disorganised, buys junk food, alcohol, litter tickets)
-Reformers (seek enlightenment, social awareness, anti-materialistic but has a good taste)

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