Friday, February 1, 2019

Jungle Book Interview

The task that we were assigned with was to produce a 2-3 minute interview with the marketing manager and producer of the new Jungle Book. The producer talks about the exciting combination of actors and effects whilst the marketing manager can discuss all the ways they intend to promote the film. We used Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 to edit and adjust the interview to mix the orignal ootage of the characters with the poster that replaces the green screen. We used the tool 'Ultra Key' to replace the green screen with the posters that we decided to use. Our biggest obstacle was costume clashing with George's clothing where the green screen would mix with his white t-shirt. We decided to re-film because of this factor and an additional factor that Sam wasn't available for the first shoot. We completed our task on Monday, 3 days after it was set. This will help our Jungle Book revision as it covers all ways that the film was produced and marketed. We could've checked lighting as in the footage and final cut, there is a bright white light in the top left corner which the green screen doesn't get rid of. "we really liked the inserts. Kieran needs to be interested and Sam needs to be interested in Kieran" WWW - the inserts and editing style of the film. George was very intrigued.

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