Thursday, January 10, 2019

The Film Industry

- 2 Hr Exam
- Industry and Audience (Film, Radio and Video Games)
- Disney and Jungle Book
- Minecraft and Jungle Book
- Video Games - Microsoft and Minecraft
- Film - Industry Question
- Radio and Video Games - Industry and Audience
- 2 Questions are 15 marks

4 Stages of Film
- Production
- Distribution
- Marketing
- Exhibiton (Process of the cinema exhibiting the film) Exchange (Exchange - The way you watch the film (TV, IMAX, 4DX etc)

- Development (Script etc)
- Pre-Production (Preperations)
- Production (Shooting)
- Post-Production (Editing, Animating etc)

- Making the film, getting it to audience
- Screened for potential buyers
- Business getting films to audience
- Financial deals are done

- Creating campaigns to promote film eg posters, apps, interviews
- Press kits, posters and other advertising materials are published and the film is advertised. Usually released with a launch party, press releases, interviews with the [ress, press preview screenings, and film festival screenings. Most films have a website and a trailer.

- The way people consume films
- How audience see film
- Film is released to cinema for exhibition

Conglomerate - is when 2 or more companies engage in a multi-industry company

Horizontal Integration - when the production company expands into other areas of one industry. It can acquire or merges with other companies that do the same thing to help eliminate competition. 
Vertical Integration - When the production company has ownership of means of production, distribution and Exhibiton of the film by the same company as they receive all of the profit

- $150 billion Revenu
- Disney is both vertically and horizontally integrated
- 10 films per year
- star wrs, marvel films, live action of animation, original animation
The Jungle Book

Synergy - when the interaction of 2 or more forces working together creates a greater effect than the sum of their individual efforts.

Films to come out - Mary Poppy Returns, Captain Marvel, Dumbo, Avengers: Endgame, Aladdin, 

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