Thursday, March 28, 2019

Old Spice Analysis

Old Spice

Old Spice was founded in 1934’s. Mugs were made. Kinda product children would buy for their fathers. Started as toiletries.

- FOunded in 1934 by William Lightfoot Schultz
- 1937 introduced for women
- 1938 introduced for men
- June 1990 Procter and Gamble Acquired Old Spice
- 2012 its iconic clipper ship logo replaced with a yacht, and targeting changed to young demographic segment

Old Spice 2010 Campaign
- losing their market share and had been seen as outdated and for old men.
- set on Weiden and Kennedy to remarked Old Spice
- Direct competition with Dove Super Bowl campaign 2010
- Proctor and gamble’s research showed that 60% of Men’s body washes were purchased by women so Old Spice needed to attract female shoppers
- many products on the market lacked masculine credibility so Old Spice could work on the idea of smelling like a man

Target audience is 12-34 men and their women shoppers
Old spice media strategy for the launch was simple: instead of spending mine to on super bowl, they aimed to create a super bowl impact building awareness around it
1st communication layer (SEEDING): to start building buzz with Old Spices fans, “the man your man could smell like:
2nd communication layer (LAUNCHING): next, search engines strategy played a key role, as people though that super bowl has launched it just because they did it all around the super bowl
3rd communication layer (ENGAGE): post launch, old spice media strategy addressed one of the key ingredients for success, getting both sexes to talk about the campaign

YouTube video became viral and got 10 million views, facebook got 55,000 fans and the traffic for got 9 times more from the previous year

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Lucozade + Drink Advert Analysis

Lucozade Sport

Made in 1927 named as Glucozade - meant to give energy to the sick
Renamed to Lucozade in 1929
1983 rebranched as a sports drink rather than health drink
Lots of sponsorship deals

£4 million campaign.
Agency: Grey London
GlaxoSmithKline consumer Healthware - owners of Lucozade in Jan 2013
Lucozade sold to Suntory in sept 2013 for £1.35b
Ad stars are Bale and Ox
Campaign banned in jan 2014 by ASA as it failed to show that it only had benefit during prolonged exercise 

Constantly says:
‘Scientifically Proven’
‘Do you believe’

Total value for soft drinks in the market in UK is around £15b
Capitalising in star appeal/star as commodity
Bale use of celeb
Representation of man ‘new man’

Advertising Analysis

Big Issue Essay

These front covers are like adverts for the magazine, because they both tend to reflect the influence of consumerism. The Big Issue magazine is design to help out the homeless which tend to gain a more political focus. For example, one magazine front cover studied Paddington with the headline 'Migrant British Icon One Of Us.' This suggests a query of why we have all accepted the loving bear into England, even when he is a migrant from Peru. This is the contrasted to real life where citizens are judging migrants for stealing our jobs and other queries that have been raised.

The Big Issue - Front Cover Analysis

Monday, March 25, 2019


Old Spice
Charity Ad for Shelter

Main aims for film advertising:
- Creating awareness of a films release
- Creating interest in the film itself
- Generates desire to see film and action in the purchasing of cinema ticket

The 4 P’s
- Product
- Promotion
- Placement
- Price

Unique Selling Point (USP) - what makes your advert unique? Actors, narrative, director or media text?

Structural Feature of Adverts
- Copy
- Slogan
- Logo
- Central Image
- Typography
- Brand Identity

When analysing an advert talk about:
- Aim
- Connotation and Denotation
- Media Langauage: Camera shot, Mise en Scene, Typography and Editing
- Representation of Male/Female
- Representation of Themes
- Representation of Brand
- Psychology - Which humans needs it, is it satisfying

Monday, March 18, 2019


Magazine: The big issue
Social, cultural, political context

The big issue is a niche magazine outside the commercial mainstream that learners may not normally engage with. It provides a contrasting example of how the elements of the theoretical framwork for media language can be used o construct alternative representations that appeal to particular audiences.
Learners must study 2 front covers of The Big Issue, from Sep 2018.
- alternative to the mainstream
- national significance


Key terms:
- Circulation - No. of copies a magazines sells
- Readership - not just who buys a magazines but the total number of people likely to read it
- Mass Audience - readership on a very large scale
- Niche Audience - narrow group of readers with a particular interest
- Subscription - where a reader pays for a set number of copies of a magazines in advance at a lower price and receives them by post


Key Terms:
- Masthead
- Plug
- Puff
- Cover Star
- Anchorage Text
- Banner
- Skyline

   Audience.           Advertiser

Advertising accounts for 70% of magazine income
Small circulation is more dependant on advertising

100,000 big issues sold per week
2000 big issue vendors in Britain
Vendors buys copies for £1.25
Made more than £5M
120 countries involved

Friday, March 15, 2019

Minecraft Construction Task

1) The task that we were given was to create some merchandise based around Minecraft and insert our product into a print advert. Before beginning this process, we had to research current merchandise to see what is already made and how they are successful.
2) The name of my brand is 'Minecraft Merch'
3) As previously talked about, we had to research already made products. So I simply googled for Minecraft merchandise to see what is available and successful for my inspiration.
4) The main gap I occurred is that I wanted to make something that hasn't really been made prior to this, but there are so many products based around Minecraft, that I found it quite hard to think of an original idea.
5) My initial feedback was to adjust the layout of the original design so it was more formal am the background of the actual product was more visible.
6) I thought that the concept went well as it is an original design and also how I portrayed it onto my print advert went well.
7) I have learnt how to edit photo's in a way that presents a concept successfully and can sell a product.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Minecraft Essay - 724 Words

Minecraft is a sandbox a video game created by a Swede called Markus Persson. A sandbox is a type of game where other than the map, the game depends on the user’s imagination. In Minecraft, players can create structures using textured blocks in the random 3D world that the computer generates. The game originally started just as mining, building and surviving back in 2009 but has massively grown into a lot more where the capabilities of the game are endless.
Minecraft can be played over almost every console and device possible with the following being included: PC, PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Xbox 360, Nintendo Switch, iOS devices, Android devices, Windows phones and also a variety of VR companies.
Minecraft has had huge commercial success, with over 154 million copies sold all over the world with a calculated 91 million monthly players on the servers across the 116 countries in which it is possible to play in. When Markus Persson (or Notch) first created Minecraft on May 13th 2009, he soon created Mojang AB, a developing company, for Minecraft to grow and maintain its popularity. But on 15th September 2014, Minecraft and Mojang AB were acquired by Microsoft for a total of $2.5 billion (£1.9 billion) due to the game’s success and profit. This has affected the game massively by a rise in 50 million copies sold since this date, but also making the game less audience oriented in the process. This is because of Microsoft not being able to have a larger connection with the audience due to the company size, compared to Persson who could have this connection. Minecraft have also produced sequels to the game but with more of a purpose. These games include: Minecraft: Story Mode where there is a set story and campaign for the player to experience, Minecraft: Education Edition which is a limited version of Minecraft used mainly for school purposes to expand students knowledge in the classroom.
With the uprise in Minecraft users, which started to become popular in 2010/11, Minecraft decided to add in-game currency for players to be able to use skins in game. Skins are a fan-made aethstetic looks for your character to have to make your account and worlds more personalised to you. These skins are both fan made and company made. These were originally just the classic ‘Steve’ skin which Minecraft is associated with, but over the years, more skins have been developed for the public to buy over micro-transactions. These can then be set in game for the player to use online and offline.
Minecraft Realms is an official subscription-based server hosting service that allows players to create and manage their own private Minecraft servers. When Realms was first released in 2013, it required a micro-transaction payment of $7.99 but recently on the mobile devices, it doesn’t cost to make a Realm server but does only last for up to 120 days before deleting automatically.
Twitch is a streaming website that is primarily based around gaming, but it is broadening it’s horizons with the IRL section, Content creators stream anything that can entertain them and the fans, content creators can make money off of this by the fans donating, twitch is also linked to amazon giving people a twitch prime status to whoever has amazon prime. Minecraft has its own twitch channel, where fans and other pro players stream themselves playing Minecraft, completing different set challenges or just streaming their survival world. The Minecraft twitch channel has got 34,803 followers with a total 2,372,538 views.
Minecraft annually holds a gaming convention called Minecon. This started on 31st August 2010 when the convention was orignally called ‘Minecraftcon’ where a gathering of 50 fans attended the spontaneous event that Notch held in Washington. From there, there has been a Minecon convention yearly, which is announced mid-Februrary and held in late October to early November in places such as Disneyland Paris, Orlando and California. The Minecon convention also earnt a Guiness World Record on 4th July 2015 for the largest convention for a single video game.
Minecraft is regulated by Video Standards Council which applies the Pan European Game Information (PEGI) and their rating system. Initially, Minecraft was rated a PEGI 7 but with the later release of Minecraft: Story Mode, the stories were classified higher because of the narratives that had been introduced.

Minecraft Presentations

Saturday, March 2, 2019

History of Minecraft

Video Games

Minecraft development referred to online Lego is a multi platform game.
Markus Persson (Notch) (Started as Indie), developed by Mojang, Bought by Microsoft

Independent, not financed by a big commercial company.
But, as a small independant products became successful, it is usual for larger organisations/owners want to buy them.

Friday, March 1, 2019

Video Games Key Words

Platforms - Different formats games are available in, such as IOS,PS4, Xbox, Linux

Cross media platforms - Games available on more than one platform

Conglomerate - Large media companies that own smaller media companies; i.e. sony

Developer - People or comapines that come up with that concept for the game

Digital Distributor - Making the game avaialble to audiences e.g. steam

Engine - A system designed for the creation and development of the video game e.g. 'unreal'

PEGI - Pan European Games Information - age rating system for regualtinig video games

Designer - People or companies who bring the concept of the game to life

RPG - Role Playing Games

MMORPG - Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game

FPS - First Person Shooter

Event Release - Hyped date used heavily in makreting of new games

Triple A Games - FIFA, Call of Duty - An information classification used for video games with the highest development budgets and levels of promotions.

Open World - Players free to roam in a virtual game world

DLC - Downloadable Content

Sandbox - A style of a game that allows the user to change the world around them whenever they want

Different types/genres of video games:
RPG - Role play game e.g. sims


STRATEGY - Fortnite, Tetris



FPS - First Person Shooter e.g CSGO



PUZZLE SOLVING - e.g. Portal

CHILDREN'S - e.g. Minecraft