Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Lucozade Sport

Made in 1927 named as Glucozade - meant to give energy to the sick
Renamed to Lucozade in 1929
1983 rebranched as a sports drink rather than health drink
Lots of sponsorship deals

£4 million campaign.
Agency: Grey London
GlaxoSmithKline consumer Healthware - owners of Lucozade in Jan 2013
Lucozade sold to Suntory in sept 2013 for £1.35b
Ad stars are Bale and Ox
Campaign banned in jan 2014 by ASA as it failed to show that it only had benefit during prolonged exercise 

Constantly says:
‘Scientifically Proven’
‘Do you believe’

Total value for soft drinks in the market in UK is around £15b
Capitalising in star appeal/star as commodity
Bale use of celeb
Representation of man ‘new man’

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