Monday, March 25, 2019


Old Spice
Charity Ad for Shelter

Main aims for film advertising:
- Creating awareness of a films release
- Creating interest in the film itself
- Generates desire to see film and action in the purchasing of cinema ticket

The 4 P’s
- Product
- Promotion
- Placement
- Price

Unique Selling Point (USP) - what makes your advert unique? Actors, narrative, director or media text?

Structural Feature of Adverts
- Copy
- Slogan
- Logo
- Central Image
- Typography
- Brand Identity

When analysing an advert talk about:
- Aim
- Connotation and Denotation
- Media Langauage: Camera shot, Mise en Scene, Typography and Editing
- Representation of Male/Female
- Representation of Themes
- Representation of Brand
- Psychology - Which humans needs it, is it satisfying

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