Friday, March 15, 2019

Minecraft Construction Task

1) The task that we were given was to create some merchandise based around Minecraft and insert our product into a print advert. Before beginning this process, we had to research current merchandise to see what is already made and how they are successful.
2) The name of my brand is 'Minecraft Merch'
3) As previously talked about, we had to research already made products. So I simply googled for Minecraft merchandise to see what is available and successful for my inspiration.
4) The main gap I occurred is that I wanted to make something that hasn't really been made prior to this, but there are so many products based around Minecraft, that I found it quite hard to think of an original idea.
5) My initial feedback was to adjust the layout of the original design so it was more formal am the background of the actual product was more visible.
6) I thought that the concept went well as it is an original design and also how I portrayed it onto my print advert went well.
7) I have learnt how to edit photo's in a way that presents a concept successfully and can sell a product.

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