Monday, April 1, 2019

Charity Adverts

- Empathy
- Shock

- A charity company who helps people out who are out of a home or are facing losing their home
- founded in 1966 in London. Ken Loach’s Cathy Come Home was pivotal in established of the charity.
- aims to help people with homelessness and bad housing. Gives advice and lobbies government to make changes to improve housing.
- campaign launched in 2011 to encourage people at risk of losing their home to ask for advice earlier
- main focus of campaign in poster ads, but FB and mobile messaging also used.
- the poster campiagn initially launched in 4 towns identified as hotspots for housing problems, and ran from 21 august for 6 weeks

- Shelters campaign was created by Amplify on a pro bono basis.
- Purpose was to campaign and provide information
- aim of the campaign is to raise awareness of homelessness arising in todays society, especially with the recession and the current climate, which is relatable to many to many people in today’s society because it coincides with the issues of debt which people are faced with.
Some of slogans are used to really catch to eye of the reader include; ‘but where will we live?’ Is a good clear message which gets the information across in a direct manner.

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