Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Music Videos

- Genre
- DRCAGES, Setting and Themes
- Camera Shots
- Editing
- Mise en Scene

Violence is straight forward shock is deliberate, suggesting we should be shocked/disgusted/outraged by the historical and contemporary persucution of blacks in America
Filled with Easter eggs
Hip hop but uses juxtaposition to distract viewers from the craziness

He is microcosm for America. It is not Glover doing the killing, it is America.

Jim Crow was a derogatory character created by a white man in 19th and 20th century. The character was played by a white man in blackface and designed to mock blacks and segregate them while providing entertainment for whites. Glover is commenting on racism in the minstrel era. He is acknowledging the dehumanising way black people are presented

Choir is a reference to 2015 Charleston, South Carolina massacre in which white Supremacist Dylann Roof opened fire in a black church.

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