Friday, November 23, 2018

Guardian - Case Study

- First published in 1821
- Not profiting driven, not a commercial - Scott Trust
- Hoping to break even this year for the first time ever
- Have reached one million online subscribers this year
- Created positive actions scheme to encourage ethnic minorities to break down barriers as the decision makers are white male oxbridge home countries types
- Proud of their Windrush coverage which was initially just one story and then grew to the extent that - Amber Rudd had to redesign
- Osama Bin laden wrote column in The Guardian as a one off
- Wiki leaks and Ed Snowden story gained recognition abroad

Teenagers: Moody, Spotty, Lazy
Muslims: Terrorists
Gypsy's: Caravan, Tramp
America: Fat, Loud
Doctors: Clever, Smart
Essex Girls: Fake

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