Saturday, November 3, 2018

Representation in a Music Video

This video represents how the American stereotypes is viewed people people both inside and outside of the border.

This is America also shows the race stereotype within the background throughout the entire music people fighting and breaking cars

At 1:40 during the music video, it cuts to a choir dancing and singing which leads the main character to walk in the side who, likewise, begins to dance to their song, making this a very jolly scene. However, this instantly fades to a fatal scene when the main character is handed a gun from someone off-screen and proceeds to shoot everyone in the choir. This represents how the American media are trying to brainwash their audience thinking that gun violence is okay and acceptable. This can also be interpreted from people who live outside America who think America is stereotyped as a country that resorts to gun violence and they use it way too much. This also occurs at the beginning of the song at 0:52 in the music video, where the main character is all happy and dancing and then pulls out a pistol and he shoots someone who is already been covered in a cloth-like material which makes the drop in the song.

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