Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Analysis of 2 Front Covers

The Daily Mirror shows how Bruce Forsyth reported that the NHS saved his life. The Daily mirror decided to choose a large, blank, bold font to portray to the reader that the NHS is a great thing and you should never underestimate it. The main headline is supplied with a photo of Bruce and also a quote that he said to reporters. This choice of photo shows that Bruce is now happy after coming out of the NHS and has thanked them. Linking to Grebner's theory, this main headline shows to the reader how the NHS is amazing and you should always use it when needed.

In comparison, The Sunday Express states how the NHS are not doing their jobs by starving patients that end up dying. The Sunday Express chose it present this story by just using the main headline with no additional photos, so all they reader gets the see is the horrific figure. This relates to the theory Grebner because the reader only gathers negative and partially false information without the knowledge of why this is an occurrence.

This contrasts each newspaper how the NHS are saving but also not saving lives. This relates to Gerbner's theory that many papers will review the same story, concluding the same review even when there are many stories that are opposite them.

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