Thursday, November 15, 2018

Tabloid vs Broadsheet vs Mid Market

This Tabloid shows a variation of photos and colour,            attempting to catch the audience's eye. The typography has a large, yellow font for the main headline. This shows how the company wants the audience to see a variation of articles, put into one page for the audience to find the relevant page inside to view the whole article. This also shows an informal style of newspaper that shows the audience a title to attract them inside the paper, for them to later flick through and view each article.

 This broadsheet shows one photo for an article, supplied with the main headline which has a large, black font. Similar to a tabloid, this style of font also is a common way to attract the audience but instead it uses an over dramatic presence to scare the reader into finding out more information to see what is actually happening. This is more formal, compared to a tabloid, which attracts its audience of the older generation.

This Mid-market tabloid shows a photo of Donald J Trump and how some people follow his thoughts whilst agreeing with his opinion. They main headline is rather small in comparison to the tabloid and broadsheet as it presents all information needed within the front cover, still providing the audience with a photo to backup any evidence found. This has been laid out in a more formal style, in comparison to a tabloid.

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