Thursday, October 17, 2019


Identify a strength or strengths in your assessment:
depth of demographics

What are the areas you need to improve?
What will you do to improve in your next assessment? Any particular areas or study skills?
 discuss more on depth of what question is asking

Friday, September 6, 2019


- After David Cameron resigned from MP on 24th June 2016 after a vote in a referendum to leave the EU , Theresa May followed as MP and continued as MP until 7th June
- The last General Election was 8th June 2017 between Theresa May and Boris Johnson with the Conservative Party winning the election.
- Corbyn decided to follow the path in the Labour Party after Ed Miliband resigned after their defeat in the 2015 general election. After becoming leader of the Labour Party, he delivered many conferences and speeches to argue his opinions that he believed lacked in his local newspaper, the Islington Tribune.

- 9 April 2005: Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles at Windsor Guildhall
  29 April 2011: Prince William and Catherine Middleton at Westminster Abbey
  19 May 2018: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle at Windsor Castle
  12 October 2018: Princess Eugenie and Jack Brooksbank at Windsor Castle
- Queen's 90th: The Queen visited the Royal Mail Windsor Delivery office to mark the 500th anniversary of the postal service. She took a walkabout of 6.3km in Windsor with the Duke of Edinburgh. ITV aired a celebration.
- Babies:
Terrorism and Hatred
On 28th March 2017, hundred of people gathered on Westminster Bridge to pay respects to 4 people who were killed in a terror attack in central London. 
On 19th June 2017, Police in Manchester and London registered surges in Anti Muslim hate crime in the aftermaths of the Manchester Arena bombing and London bridge attack.

Syrian War
The Syrian Civil War has been going on since 15 March 2011 and is still going on. The conflict is regarded towards the Ba'ath government and forces who want the government gone. Many presidents and British MPs have discussed the issue with the war and ways to prevent the many deaths and refugees that have increased since the war began so long ago. 

Specific UK Issues
- Brexit was first talked about and voted for through a referendum on 23rd June 2016 where 51.9% of citizens voted to leave. On Friday 24th May 2019, Theresa May resigned from being MP after being MP for nearly 3 years. When she entered 10 Downing Street, she made 2 main goals clear; to hell more 'ordinary working-class families' in general life and to deliver Brexit that British people voted for. 
- Grenfell Tower: in the early hours of the morning on 14 June 2017, a fire broke out in the kitchen of a 4th floor flat at the 23 storey tower block in West London. the fire quickly spread across the entire tower where 72 people lost their lives. One reason the tower fire spread so quick is that the building is partly made out of flammable materials, including a polymer foam. 
- Windrush: This Scandal is a political scandal concerning people who were wrongly detained, denied legal rights, threatened with deportation. 
- NHS: During 2016, many junior doctors forced strikes throughout London where thousands of appointments were forced to be cancelled due to the 'significant' impact on the healthcare provision, according to the junior doctors.
- Charlie Gard: Charlie Gard is an infant from London, born with MDDS (a rare genetic disorder). This became a huge story after how the only medical cure for this was to fly to USA to have surgery, as they said they can perform the surgery, which Charlie's family was happy to do, but NHS said they shouldn't take him on a plane due to health reasons.

Cultural Trends
- Films: More recent films have been lacking originality due to many methods of film production already have being done, so creating a new formula is harder to do. Currently, remakes are a popular way of making a new film such as Lion King
- TV: Similar to films, TV series' are lacking originality due to the massive growth in production. So many series' are simply using the same formulas to previous seasons to re-create a new season with a cheap price to air.
- Music: Music genres are slowly being limited to 80's and 00's pop due to this being the majority of what people listen to. This is where many artists make their money, reasoning why the genre is most popular
- Video Games: With the increase in technologies within the recents years, the interest in video games has gained due to new game opportunities being allowed. 
- Youtube: Youtube has slowly increased its viewership where daily viewers, uploads and amount of content has all increased, being free to post, watch and enjoy.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Music Videos

- Genre
- DRCAGES, Setting and Themes
- Camera Shots
- Editing
- Mise en Scene

Violence is straight forward shock is deliberate, suggesting we should be shocked/disgusted/outraged by the historical and contemporary persucution of blacks in America
Filled with Easter eggs
Hip hop but uses juxtaposition to distract viewers from the craziness

He is microcosm for America. It is not Glover doing the killing, it is America.

Jim Crow was a derogatory character created by a white man in 19th and 20th century. The character was played by a white man in blackface and designed to mock blacks and segregate them while providing entertainment for whites. Glover is commenting on racism in the minstrel era. He is acknowledging the dehumanising way black people are presented

Choir is a reference to 2015 Charleston, South Carolina massacre in which white Supremacist Dylann Roof opened fire in a black church.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Charity Ad Poster - Practical

1) I planned my print advert via drawing a model version of it on my I-pad. I labelled it including handwriting and the backdrop etc. |I then also listed all my ideas of what i wanted my advert to include and the reasoning for my ideas. I then narrowed down my ideas into a smaller list to complete my plan.
2) During my research and planning, I had to take into consider the lighting and message behind the poster. I wanted to make the message and target audience clear from looking at the poster. I did this by using quotes from the bullies which stated the things they said to the actor in the poster.
3) I believe that my advert was successful because the target audience was well established and it also gives the message i wanted to portray.
4) Others that I have asked say that it is "very effective" and "easily gives away the target audience"
5) I have learnt how to use lighting and other components such as location in order to make an effective poster with a message. I have also learnt how to portray a message and how to make this effective when adding text onto posters and other layouts.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Charity Essay

Analyse how social and cultural context can influence advertising. Use Fig 3 to support your answer.
In your answer:
- Anaylse how social and cultural contexts influence advertising
- Make judgements and reach a conclusion on why they advertised in this way. (15 Marks)

Shelter is a charity advert that helps people, typically people with homelessness and bad housing, who are out of homes or are facing the threat of losing their home from the government. The charities  have produced adverts that advertise how different individuals who are different circumstances view their issues and how it’ll affect their lives.
These adverts contain emotive language in order to gain sympathy from all viewers and readers. The word that are written across the page, all in bold, red text, makes the reader think about others and their situations, making them feel sorry/sympathetic for those who suffer from homelessness, where they could potentially donate and help the cause of the charity. Due to these texts across the page being rather simple and vague, it seems more hard-hitting for the reader and occasionally makes them think how this situation could easily happen to them, their friends or their family members, further wanting them to donate to help.
The 3 individuals who are used in Figure 3 show a lack of representation as it portrays the emotion that homeless victims face on a day to day basis; nothing and straight-faced. This is also how homeless people are viewed to the typical working class person, who assume all homeless people don’t have feelings and aren’t to the quality they could be, with creased clothings and rough skin condition. Although it is hard to tell the individual’s ethinicity, it does correlate to the topic of how anyone can easily get into the circumstance where they are facing the loss of their home or have lost their home, all around the world. And with the issues with immigration, this is harder for them to get a home back as they are not being accommodated by the government of that country.
The logo for Shelter shows the audience how housing is what the company promotes and helps. The ‘h’ being the shape of a house instantly is recognised as a charities that helps homeless victims. Also with the logo being red like the main body of the advert, the red shows the negativity that the homeless victims have to face on a daily basis.
The target audience for these advertising posters are individuals with the age over 25 years old. At this age, majority of young adults either own their own property and pay rent for a property, where these issues related to homelessness relate to the person the most. People these age are most concerned about rent and payment as they cannot potentially be getting paid enough for all the rent and also extra possessions a typical 25 year old has. So this age group being in these advertising posters reachers out to the young adults more as they then think about how it could easily happen to them.
In conclusion, Shelter have made their adverts to make their public who read these posters understand the feelings that the victims of homelessness have to suffer and makes the public want to donate to help this cause.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Charity Adverts

- Empathy
- Shock

- A charity company who helps people out who are out of a home or are facing losing their home
- founded in 1966 in London. Ken Loach’s Cathy Come Home was pivotal in established of the charity.
- aims to help people with homelessness and bad housing. Gives advice and lobbies government to make changes to improve housing.
- campaign launched in 2011 to encourage people at risk of losing their home to ask for advice earlier
- main focus of campaign in poster ads, but FB and mobile messaging also used.
- the poster campiagn initially launched in 4 towns identified as hotspots for housing problems, and ran from 21 august for 6 weeks

- Shelters campaign was created by Amplify on a pro bono basis.
- Purpose was to campaign and provide information
- aim of the campaign is to raise awareness of homelessness arising in todays society, especially with the recession and the current climate, which is relatable to many to many people in today’s society because it coincides with the issues of debt which people are faced with.
Some of slogans are used to really catch to eye of the reader include; ‘but where will we live?’ Is a good clear message which gets the information across in a direct manner.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Old Spice Analysis

Old Spice

Old Spice was founded in 1934’s. Mugs were made. Kinda product children would buy for their fathers. Started as toiletries.

- FOunded in 1934 by William Lightfoot Schultz
- 1937 introduced for women
- 1938 introduced for men
- June 1990 Procter and Gamble Acquired Old Spice
- 2012 its iconic clipper ship logo replaced with a yacht, and targeting changed to young demographic segment

Old Spice 2010 Campaign
- losing their market share and had been seen as outdated and for old men.
- set on Weiden and Kennedy to remarked Old Spice
- Direct competition with Dove Super Bowl campaign 2010
- Proctor and gamble’s research showed that 60% of Men’s body washes were purchased by women so Old Spice needed to attract female shoppers
- many products on the market lacked masculine credibility so Old Spice could work on the idea of smelling like a man

Target audience is 12-34 men and their women shoppers
Old spice media strategy for the launch was simple: instead of spending mine to on super bowl, they aimed to create a super bowl impact building awareness around it
1st communication layer (SEEDING): to start building buzz with Old Spices fans, “the man your man could smell like:
2nd communication layer (LAUNCHING): next, search engines strategy played a key role, as people though that super bowl has launched it just because they did it all around the super bowl
3rd communication layer (ENGAGE): post launch, old spice media strategy addressed one of the key ingredients for success, getting both sexes to talk about the campaign

YouTube video became viral and got 10 million views, facebook got 55,000 fans and the traffic for got 9 times more from the previous year

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Lucozade + Drink Advert Analysis

Lucozade Sport

Made in 1927 named as Glucozade - meant to give energy to the sick
Renamed to Lucozade in 1929
1983 rebranched as a sports drink rather than health drink
Lots of sponsorship deals

£4 million campaign.
Agency: Grey London
GlaxoSmithKline consumer Healthware - owners of Lucozade in Jan 2013
Lucozade sold to Suntory in sept 2013 for £1.35b
Ad stars are Bale and Ox
Campaign banned in jan 2014 by ASA as it failed to show that it only had benefit during prolonged exercise 

Constantly says:
‘Scientifically Proven’
‘Do you believe’

Total value for soft drinks in the market in UK is around £15b
Capitalising in star appeal/star as commodity
Bale use of celeb
Representation of man ‘new man’

Advertising Analysis

Big Issue Essay

These front covers are like adverts for the magazine, because they both tend to reflect the influence of consumerism. The Big Issue magazine is design to help out the homeless which tend to gain a more political focus. For example, one magazine front cover studied Paddington with the headline 'Migrant British Icon One Of Us.' This suggests a query of why we have all accepted the loving bear into England, even when he is a migrant from Peru. This is the contrasted to real life where citizens are judging migrants for stealing our jobs and other queries that have been raised.

The Big Issue - Front Cover Analysis

Monday, March 25, 2019


Old Spice
Charity Ad for Shelter

Main aims for film advertising:
- Creating awareness of a films release
- Creating interest in the film itself
- Generates desire to see film and action in the purchasing of cinema ticket

The 4 P’s
- Product
- Promotion
- Placement
- Price

Unique Selling Point (USP) - what makes your advert unique? Actors, narrative, director or media text?

Structural Feature of Adverts
- Copy
- Slogan
- Logo
- Central Image
- Typography
- Brand Identity

When analysing an advert talk about:
- Aim
- Connotation and Denotation
- Media Langauage: Camera shot, Mise en Scene, Typography and Editing
- Representation of Male/Female
- Representation of Themes
- Representation of Brand
- Psychology - Which humans needs it, is it satisfying

Monday, March 18, 2019


Magazine: The big issue
Social, cultural, political context

The big issue is a niche magazine outside the commercial mainstream that learners may not normally engage with. It provides a contrasting example of how the elements of the theoretical framwork for media language can be used o construct alternative representations that appeal to particular audiences.
Learners must study 2 front covers of The Big Issue, from Sep 2018.
- alternative to the mainstream
- national significance


Key terms:
- Circulation - No. of copies a magazines sells
- Readership - not just who buys a magazines but the total number of people likely to read it
- Mass Audience - readership on a very large scale
- Niche Audience - narrow group of readers with a particular interest
- Subscription - where a reader pays for a set number of copies of a magazines in advance at a lower price and receives them by post


Key Terms:
- Masthead
- Plug
- Puff
- Cover Star
- Anchorage Text
- Banner
- Skyline

   Audience.           Advertiser

Advertising accounts for 70% of magazine income
Small circulation is more dependant on advertising

100,000 big issues sold per week
2000 big issue vendors in Britain
Vendors buys copies for £1.25
Made more than £5M
120 countries involved

Friday, March 15, 2019

Minecraft Construction Task

1) The task that we were given was to create some merchandise based around Minecraft and insert our product into a print advert. Before beginning this process, we had to research current merchandise to see what is already made and how they are successful.
2) The name of my brand is 'Minecraft Merch'
3) As previously talked about, we had to research already made products. So I simply googled for Minecraft merchandise to see what is available and successful for my inspiration.
4) The main gap I occurred is that I wanted to make something that hasn't really been made prior to this, but there are so many products based around Minecraft, that I found it quite hard to think of an original idea.
5) My initial feedback was to adjust the layout of the original design so it was more formal am the background of the actual product was more visible.
6) I thought that the concept went well as it is an original design and also how I portrayed it onto my print advert went well.
7) I have learnt how to edit photo's in a way that presents a concept successfully and can sell a product.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Minecraft Essay - 724 Words

Minecraft is a sandbox a video game created by a Swede called Markus Persson. A sandbox is a type of game where other than the map, the game depends on the user’s imagination. In Minecraft, players can create structures using textured blocks in the random 3D world that the computer generates. The game originally started just as mining, building and surviving back in 2009 but has massively grown into a lot more where the capabilities of the game are endless.
Minecraft can be played over almost every console and device possible with the following being included: PC, PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Xbox 360, Nintendo Switch, iOS devices, Android devices, Windows phones and also a variety of VR companies.
Minecraft has had huge commercial success, with over 154 million copies sold all over the world with a calculated 91 million monthly players on the servers across the 116 countries in which it is possible to play in. When Markus Persson (or Notch) first created Minecraft on May 13th 2009, he soon created Mojang AB, a developing company, for Minecraft to grow and maintain its popularity. But on 15th September 2014, Minecraft and Mojang AB were acquired by Microsoft for a total of $2.5 billion (£1.9 billion) due to the game’s success and profit. This has affected the game massively by a rise in 50 million copies sold since this date, but also making the game less audience oriented in the process. This is because of Microsoft not being able to have a larger connection with the audience due to the company size, compared to Persson who could have this connection. Minecraft have also produced sequels to the game but with more of a purpose. These games include: Minecraft: Story Mode where there is a set story and campaign for the player to experience, Minecraft: Education Edition which is a limited version of Minecraft used mainly for school purposes to expand students knowledge in the classroom.
With the uprise in Minecraft users, which started to become popular in 2010/11, Minecraft decided to add in-game currency for players to be able to use skins in game. Skins are a fan-made aethstetic looks for your character to have to make your account and worlds more personalised to you. These skins are both fan made and company made. These were originally just the classic ‘Steve’ skin which Minecraft is associated with, but over the years, more skins have been developed for the public to buy over micro-transactions. These can then be set in game for the player to use online and offline.
Minecraft Realms is an official subscription-based server hosting service that allows players to create and manage their own private Minecraft servers. When Realms was first released in 2013, it required a micro-transaction payment of $7.99 but recently on the mobile devices, it doesn’t cost to make a Realm server but does only last for up to 120 days before deleting automatically.
Twitch is a streaming website that is primarily based around gaming, but it is broadening it’s horizons with the IRL section, Content creators stream anything that can entertain them and the fans, content creators can make money off of this by the fans donating, twitch is also linked to amazon giving people a twitch prime status to whoever has amazon prime. Minecraft has its own twitch channel, where fans and other pro players stream themselves playing Minecraft, completing different set challenges or just streaming their survival world. The Minecraft twitch channel has got 34,803 followers with a total 2,372,538 views.
Minecraft annually holds a gaming convention called Minecon. This started on 31st August 2010 when the convention was orignally called ‘Minecraftcon’ where a gathering of 50 fans attended the spontaneous event that Notch held in Washington. From there, there has been a Minecon convention yearly, which is announced mid-Februrary and held in late October to early November in places such as Disneyland Paris, Orlando and California. The Minecon convention also earnt a Guiness World Record on 4th July 2015 for the largest convention for a single video game.
Minecraft is regulated by Video Standards Council which applies the Pan European Game Information (PEGI) and their rating system. Initially, Minecraft was rated a PEGI 7 but with the later release of Minecraft: Story Mode, the stories were classified higher because of the narratives that had been introduced.

Minecraft Presentations

Saturday, March 2, 2019

History of Minecraft

Video Games

Minecraft development referred to online Lego is a multi platform game.
Markus Persson (Notch) (Started as Indie), developed by Mojang, Bought by Microsoft

Independent, not financed by a big commercial company.
But, as a small independant products became successful, it is usual for larger organisations/owners want to buy them.

Friday, March 1, 2019

Video Games Key Words

Platforms - Different formats games are available in, such as IOS,PS4, Xbox, Linux

Cross media platforms - Games available on more than one platform

Conglomerate - Large media companies that own smaller media companies; i.e. sony

Developer - People or comapines that come up with that concept for the game

Digital Distributor - Making the game avaialble to audiences e.g. steam

Engine - A system designed for the creation and development of the video game e.g. 'unreal'

PEGI - Pan European Games Information - age rating system for regualtinig video games

Designer - People or companies who bring the concept of the game to life

RPG - Role Playing Games

MMORPG - Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game

FPS - First Person Shooter

Event Release - Hyped date used heavily in makreting of new games

Triple A Games - FIFA, Call of Duty - An information classification used for video games with the highest development budgets and levels of promotions.

Open World - Players free to roam in a virtual game world

DLC - Downloadable Content

Sandbox - A style of a game that allows the user to change the world around them whenever they want

Different types/genres of video games:
RPG - Role play game e.g. sims


STRATEGY - Fortnite, Tetris



FPS - First Person Shooter e.g CSGO



PUZZLE SOLVING - e.g. Portal

CHILDREN'S - e.g. Minecraft

Thursday, February 28, 2019


Exam: 15 Marks, 25 minutes.

Made by Markus Persson aka Notch
Sold over 100 million copies

1. How many subscriptions does Ali-A have for his YouTube channel?
Over 16 million subscribers on his main channel, Ali A, with an additional 5 million on his second channel, Morealia

2) How many years have he been doing this?
He's been uploading to YouTube for over 10 years from when he started in 2009

3) Why did he start playing Minecraft?
His audience kept asking him to make YouTube videos on Minecraft so he done it

4) What does he say he is trying to do with his content?
Post content of what his audience asked for, which is how he got as big as he is.

5) Describe his average working day
Wakes up between 12-2pm, turn on setup and start computer, then get ready and by 3-4pm, makes 3 videos a day. 2 videos on mine-craft channel then another video of cod channel. makes 1st video for 7 then next for 10pm then final video 1am.

6) Why might we watch YouTubers?
Personally, we watch youtubers because of the way the youtuber makes the content entertaining with the video game or idea adding onto this.

7) What is Twitch and what is the average time spent on it by a viewer?
Twitch is a live streaming service which allows viewers to watch people play video games in live time. Average viewer spends 4 hours.

8) How much do you estimate that Ali-A earns in a year?
Estimated to be $2.5million

9) How much was Minecraft purchased for?
$2.5 billion by Microsoft

10) What are 3 reasons behind Microsoft’s purchase?
a) Money
b) To expand to all of the different devices
c) New audience to Microsoft

11) How might this affect the game?
Oversee the development in the future, offers more support and infrastructure so Minecraft can be made bigger and better in the future,

12) What is Minecraft’s biggest asset?
The community

Radio 1 Self Test

1) Greg James started hosting the Breakfast Show 20th August 2018 after Grimmy leaving the show 9th August 2018.
2) The Breakfast Show aims to have an audience of 15-29 years old.
3) Because the breakfast show is owned by the BBC, only adverts from the BBC can be shown under their rules and regulation, much like the TV channels. This compares to smaller radio shows where they can gain more income from advertising a more variety of commercials.
4) Phone, Tablet, Radio, MP3 Player, Laptop, Mainframe, Supercomputer, Watch.
5) The audience can interact with James via the games in which he hosts. These include many fun games such as 'Pass the Pasty', 'Unpopular Opinion' and 'Jan Slam' where all games consist of the audience participating in various challenges and fun in order to win various prizes that Greg James hosts. James also hosts many quizzes per day where the audience can submit their answers via the show's social media or by ringing into Greg James himself.
6) Ofcom will regulate the content standards of the BBC's television, radio and on-demand programmes. The BBC will handle complaints about its content in the first instance, with Ofcom overseeing that process and handling appeals through a transparent process.
7)  The R1BS fufils its remits via all the audience engagement that constantly occurs. This includes all games taken place, all concerts Radio 1 hosts, the news each half hour etc.
8) Ben Cooper states that you have to take in account of all innovation, digital as well as physical, YouTube as well as the actual show itself. News reporters state how weekly listeners have dropped via the radio but never count the views on their YouTube page and other social media.
9) The program promotes British music via the program mainly playing music tracks from popular and upcoming British artists constantly throughout the day, for example Dua Lipa.
10) Majority of the songs that are played on R1BS are pop because that is what the majority of 15-29 years olds enjoy listening to, which are the audience target for the program.
11) The program interviews many celebs every morning/week. These go from top class singers to other celebs with current news stories to the UK's favourite comedians and actors. Majority of these are British as it is much cheaper and easier for the program to get them onto the show but you may get the occasional foreign celeb who is in London at the time.
12) Brexit, Immigration, Sport, FIlm nominations.
13) There are many fun games such as 'Pass the Pasty', 'Unpopular Opinion' and 'Jan Slam' where all games consist of the audience participating in various challenges and fun in order to win various prizes that Greg James hosts. James also hosts many quizzes per day where the audience can submit their answers via the show's social media or by ringing into Greg James himself.
14) The broadcast gives entertainment to listeners by adding comedy and relevant topics that people can relate, the news updates every half an hour help to inform people on everything that's going on and all the important things happening, this also educates people of around the world topics.
15) They don’t advertise any commercials that aren’t to do with the BBC due to the BBC's rules and regulation, similar to their TV channels.
16)  People aged 10+, some of the vocabulary used may not be acceptable for young audience that potentially could listen.
17) 5.1 Million listeners per week which has dropped from 5.72 million from September 2018.
19) Radio 2 is the most targeted because it covers more and lasts for longer.
20) Radio 1 is the most aimed at a niche audience because of the smaller age gap of their target audience.

Monday, February 25, 2019

R1BS Practical


1) The task that we was assinged was to create a 3 minute clip of a Radio 1 Breakfast Show audition where would over run Greg James' position. We had to cover various topics whithin this 3 minute clip: 30 seconds of News, An interivew with a celebrity, Music, A game that we have to make up, and social media.
2) My group are George (News), Sam and Maisie (Interview), Brooke (Game) and myself (Host)
3) The fresh idea that we came up with was our game where an audience member would willingly ring up and tell us a secret confession they had kept for however long.
4) We did an interview (Maisie being the interviewer) who interviewed Sam who acted as Danny Dyer where questions about Danny's relation to Richard 3rd were asked and other questions on topics that had recently been in the news.
5) We chose Mabel - Dont call me up, Sam Smith - Dancing with a stranger and Post Malone - Wow. We chose these songs as they are either British, popular artists or upcoming artists with talent. we chose this because this is what the R1BS repreents and wants to recognise.
6) The running that we decided was Mabel, Sam Smith, Gameshow, Interview, Post Malone, News. We chose this running order as it fit all aspects of the radio show into the 3 minutes and set a stable structure for the audience to follow.
7) We attract the audience via inviting them on our show to be part of our various gameshows and quizzes, where they can win prizes and be included within the breakfast show
8) Our product fits into the remit because it entertainments and educates all memeber of the audience.
9) As an improvement, we could've maybe had an additional quiz within the 3 minutes to furthur engage our audience, but with our given time, we wouldn't have time to do this.
10) Our initial feedback was that I was too monotone, news was a little too quick and I said the time at the end wrong.

Radio 1 Breakfast Show - Essay

How is the BBC Radio 1 BS reaching, targeting, and encouraging audience interactions? 

  • Who is audience (age, class, gender)
  • How radio keeps audience 
  • How audience gets pleasure from radio

The Radio breakfast show helps to entice the audience through various contraptions such as competitions and games that potentially done correctly leads to significant rewards. The target audience is incorporated alongside with the music choice and genre as the audience that listens enjoy the music and tunes back into the vast playlist or remixes. They manage to get the audience to return is due to the originality of the show. Radio 1 reaches to their audience by throwing huge events such as their Big Weekend music festival. The big weekend is a music festival run by BBC Radio 1 that is held annually throughout different UK venues. Whilst it used to be the biggest free ticketed event in the UK, it now charges a fee of £15 but is still a huge event where thousands of people still attend. This hit music festival is one of many reasons why the audience of the Breakfast Show is keeping, even though the show’s rough times. 

Another reason of why the Breakfast Show’s audience is always being reached out to is because of the show’s social media and how often Greg James and his production team and on social media, interacting with their audience. They have an Instagram, snapchat, twitter and facebook page where they connect with their audience via giveaways, game shows, and links to the show. From here, the audience can react and interact with Greg James and other members of the audience via answering game show questions, taking part in the show’s wacky games and then replying and commenting in audiences comments and posts. 

When radio 1 brought Nick Grimshaw, Grimmy. he was largely expected to boost the rating because of his celebrity status and young people connection. But, when he joined the breakfast show, these rating suffered heavily and instantly fell. Funnily enough, as soon as he resigned from the Breakfast Show and Greg James stepped in, these rating shot back up after the loss of 9.37 million listeners per week from Grimmy's entrance. Greg James was able to obtain an extra 231,000 listeners in October to December of 2018, averaging a total of 5.11 million listeners per week which the audience being aged between 15+.

With the arrival of Greg James, the audience has been more involved than ever. This is because of the various games and competitions that James hosts. These include many fun games such as 'Pass the Pasty', 'Unpopular Opinion' and 'Jan Slam' where all games consist of the audience participating in various challenges and fun in order to win various prizes that Greg James hosts. James also hosts many quizzes per day where the audience can submit their answers via the show's social media or by ringing into Greg James himself. The show also provides educational news to their audience each half hour with a separate news reporter for the audience to engage and have an interest in. 

Radio 1 BS Timeline

News and Weather
Programme indent and sting
Start talking amongst themselves, discussing topics that relate to the studio crew. 
Starting to talk about what is coming up on the radio as well as giveaways to festivals and such, talks to the audience like a mate.
Programme indent and sting
‘Just got paid’ by Sigala
Programme indent and sting 
‘Young, dumb and broke’ by Khalid
Greg James talking about upcoming songs, interactivity with the audience along with a phone call, for example, Kerry's crush countdown along with some other crush countdowns.
‘Baby’ - Clean Bandit
Greg James just casually talking to the audiences about the previous conversation before the song and then goes on to remind people what is coming up. after this ‘The Walker’ Christine and the Queens.
News and Weather

7:31.25 – 7:31.25 am
Programme ident . station ident 

‘one, radio one breakfast’ station indent, introduces Greg James – interacting with the audience 

Programme ident, sting – Greg James mentioned 

7:32- 7:35
(Jax jones feat. Years & years – ‘play’)   - programme ident / sting 

7:35- 7:39
(Katy Perry, ‘chained to the rhythm’) radio one jam slam overview 

8:14- 8:16
(Post Malone ‘wow’) countdown to jam slam 

8:16- 8:20
(jess Glynne plays)

8:20- 8:22
Greg discusses a popular Netflix film (cardi b clips) (Katy Perry clip)

8:22- 8:23
Mentioned Remy malik (Freddie Mercury) in reference to an award ceremony ‘awkward moment’

8:23 – 8:24
No Oscars host – Kevin Hart interview 

8:24 – 8:25
Programme ident , 2x stings / station ident 

8:25- 8:27
(the vaccines – ‘all my friends’)

8:27 – 8:28
Sting – Greg mentions radio 1 breakfast again, jam slam advertised again
News begins – news beats (sting)

8:28- 8:29
News beat (sting) station ident, Political interview with mum about hunger, migrant talk a lot 

8:29- 8:30
Christian Hugel regarding meat interview, News beat / STING 

Track – Real life, Duke Dumont 

Programme ident

Track – Sweet but psycho, Ava Max

Intro into studio crew – discuss what’s coming up

Talks about a series ‘breaking dad’ on ITV

Track – Who R U? Anderson.Paak

Reads out audiences messages related to their reactions on ‘breaking bad’ and what has been speaking about previously

Greg announces a star listener, giving a prize as a cookbook and a cassette for Mabel’s album

Track – Shake it off, Taylor Swift 

8:57 (2:24)
Track – Nothing breaks like a hear, Miley Cyrus

9:01 (2:28)
’10 minute takeover’ – STING, Greg gives out the phone number to pick 3 songs chosen by the audience 

9:02 (2:29)
Picked a random person to choose their first song for ’10 minute takeover’ 

Track – Freed from desire, Gala Rizzatto 

Track – Give me the love, Sean Paul

Track – Girls and Boys, 

End of 10-minute takeover, recalls the songs and people who sent them in and says they will be doing another 10-minute takeover tomorrow

Programme ident, sting

Track – Without me, Halsey

9:17 (2:44)
Track – Medicine, bring me the horizons

Track -  Bring me the horizon, Medicine. Genre = pop, pop rock, alternative rock
Discussion by Greg James.
9: 25
Album promotion for 1975. Track – 1975, Girls. Genre = rock, pop, alternative rock
Small discussion. Track – Losing It, Fisher. Genre = house 
News beat – politics, general news, and sport. 
Track – Sigrid, Sucker Punch. Ident. Genre = pop
Track – Imagine Dragons, Thunder. Genre = synth-pop
Track – Kojey Radical and Mahalia, One night only. Lead to a short discussion about The Artist.  Genre = R&B/soul
Ident. Track – Major Lazer Light it up. Genre = Moombahton, Dance/synth.   Track – Sia, Elastic heart. Genre = electric pop trap. 
End show

  How does the programme promotes British music?
The songs are repeated, when the track is finished it will state the name and artist to help entice the listener to re-listen and spread the word about a specific artist.

What percentage of tracks played during your slot were British?
75% of the songs played ¾ were British, with the other song being from Canada.

What genres of music were played during your slot?  Do a tally.
Electronic, indie rock, House, Pop, Dance, Garage, hip hop, grime

●  Celebrity interviews – who is being interviewed and what are they being interviewed about?  How many of the interviews are with British people?
The only person being interviewed was ex- England cricketer Graeme Swann, he is British, this was done to help promote the giveaway.

●  News items – list the stories and identify which relate to Britain. 
English footballer talked about injury and potential return, the drone problem in and around the airport how the military might need to get involved.

● Quizzes and games – what can you win?
Tickets to the cricket world cup.

How does the broadcast fits into the BBC ethos of ‘informing, educating and entertaining’?
    The broadcast gives entertainment to listeners by adding comedy and relevant topics that people can relate, the news updates every half an hour help to inform people on everything that's going on and all the important things happening, this also educates people of around the world topics. 

●        How does it differ from commercial breakfast shows?
    They don’t advertise any commercials that aren’t to do with the BBC due to the BBC's rules and regulation, similar to their TV channels.

●        Who you think the audience is from the content of your section?  What evidence do you have for this? 
    People aged 10+, some of the vocabulary used may not be acceptable for young audience that potentially could listen.

●        What platforms is the show is distributed on? 
    IPad, Phones, Laptops, IPods, TV